Welcome to The Blue Worm Bin..
There’s more at stake than just growing bigger vegetables and increasing yields. Being good stewards of our soil may be a major step in saving our environment for our children. Keeping waste from landfills and returning nutrients and carbon to the soil we prevent those wastes from producing greenhouse gases and reduce (or eliminate) the use of chemical fertilizers derived from fossil fuels. Nutrients added using organic methods are less susceptible to being washed into our watersheds and causing algae blooms that starve wetlands, ponds, streams and lakes of oxygen. So occasionally posts may be made on relevant environmental issues.
We will discuss primarily using worms to convert waste to valuable compost. Other methods of creating garden amendments from waste may also be explored. In time we also have a goal to share other methods of zero to low cost organic growing, in particular using waste products and household items. Organic growing need not be expensive and by using waste, costs are low making the methods ideal for farmers and growers in third world countries.
We would like to also profile some extraordinary people and businesses who set an example for what can be done to help the soil, the garden and our planet while earning a living or as a hobby.  People and businesses diverting “trash” to make valuable fertilizer replacements.
Above all we want YOU to succeed in reducing your own waste, growing a better, more sustainable garden, lawn or orchard by nurturing your soil.
Time for me to stop rambling and for you to jump in and get growing. We hope you’ll subscribe to our mailing list to stay up to date with all we have going on and all we have planned. Cheers to a healthier planet, one garden at a time.